Great letter! I’m an an American, and it seems to me that Johann is on the same page as Trump—tell the British and EU political class to dump the Davos, globalist satanic plan of a one-world government. Stop treating your people like replaceable cogs in a machine and start defending and rebuilding and living the values and virtues that made England and Europe great, and America great, too.
Trump has accepted the King’s invitation. It is my expectation and hope that he will deliver a message in the same spirit as Johann’s letter. “Get your act together and act like a man. We are no longer cleaning up the messes your government makes around the world. This is now a tri-polar world, and the UK will be left out of it if you continue down the road of self-destruction.”
The Democrats in the U.S., proud members of the Davos cult, have been completely humiliated and neutered BY THEIR OWN ACTIONS. Like the UK/ Euro leadership, they are anti-free speech, anti-middle class, anti-working class, anti-family, anti-borders, anti-cutting waste and fraud, anti-women injured by men in sports, anti-law and order, anti-children, and they can’t even bring it upon themselves to celebrate a child fighting cancer. The only thing they are for is war and more lives lost in a conflict that Ukraine has already lost.
Americans are ashamed of what the Deep State has done the past 33 years in the name of the American people. We understand why Brits and Europeans hate us because we also hate the Deep State. We are working hard to correct it and reverse course. Trump and the American people love the British and European people. We want to see you break free from your horrible governing class just as we are fighting to break free from ours.
Let's hope you are prophetic in Charles rising to the occasion that is screaming for his attention. Maybe a Lady of the Lake vision. I personally don't think that he has that in him but The Lord works in mysterious ways (President Trump as a very recent example). MEGA!
We visited England last summer and saw Highgrove and His Majesty’s gardens. My take-away was that he is profoundly sensitive and creative. When I heard the Ramadan prayer music in Windsor Castle, I was horrified. It literally defined the term “give them the keys to the castle”.
Your Majesty, may I humbly suggest that creativity and challenging the norms are splendid in your gardens and art. Not as a creative experiment at the expense of your English traditions, faith and countrymen, which you swore to protect.
I'm English but find myself defaulting to American spelling on the blog since most of my audience is American, and in my regular job have to write in American English. One of my many failings
I remember seeing a clip of Charles mentioning Rene Guenon. At first, I assume it means he might be one of us until I remember Rene converted to Islam. Now I have a deep fears what it could it actually mean.
I followed the same trajectory as your thought. "Excellent, an interest in traditionalism! Ah, he's just taken a message of 'equality of religions' from this..."
you misjudge the crown profoundly. he is a satanic king who despises his own people and is actively involved in destroying them. he seeks to replace them with Subjects from his former colonies . they were always lower maintenance than his home subjects. The crown controls unimaginable wealth . they on most of the land in canada and much of their former colonies . look up " crown lands" . he is part of the global power structure , not a victim of it .
Do you not remember that he was the first person to call for a "great Reset " during covid? Klaus Schwab gets the press, but he is just a front man . The crown is a driving force of the enslavement of humanity that is the "great reset" . If you own nothing, you are a slave to those who own everything.
Great letter! I’m an an American, and it seems to me that Johann is on the same page as Trump—tell the British and EU political class to dump the Davos, globalist satanic plan of a one-world government. Stop treating your people like replaceable cogs in a machine and start defending and rebuilding and living the values and virtues that made England and Europe great, and America great, too.
Trump has accepted the King’s invitation. It is my expectation and hope that he will deliver a message in the same spirit as Johann’s letter. “Get your act together and act like a man. We are no longer cleaning up the messes your government makes around the world. This is now a tri-polar world, and the UK will be left out of it if you continue down the road of self-destruction.”
The Democrats in the U.S., proud members of the Davos cult, have been completely humiliated and neutered BY THEIR OWN ACTIONS. Like the UK/ Euro leadership, they are anti-free speech, anti-middle class, anti-working class, anti-family, anti-borders, anti-cutting waste and fraud, anti-women injured by men in sports, anti-law and order, anti-children, and they can’t even bring it upon themselves to celebrate a child fighting cancer. The only thing they are for is war and more lives lost in a conflict that Ukraine has already lost.
Americans are ashamed of what the Deep State has done the past 33 years in the name of the American people. We understand why Brits and Europeans hate us because we also hate the Deep State. We are working hard to correct it and reverse course. Trump and the American people love the British and European people. We want to see you break free from your horrible governing class just as we are fighting to break free from ours.
I’m not even English, but this got me going. God save the King!
Sorry to inform you that I think the King has changed his religion ! Read this article.
Charles III?
Ha, corrected
He's dead as well (behind the eyes)
Let's hope you are prophetic in Charles rising to the occasion that is screaming for his attention. Maybe a Lady of the Lake vision. I personally don't think that he has that in him but The Lord works in mysterious ways (President Trump as a very recent example). MEGA!
I’m just an American housewife.
We visited England last summer and saw Highgrove and His Majesty’s gardens. My take-away was that he is profoundly sensitive and creative. When I heard the Ramadan prayer music in Windsor Castle, I was horrified. It literally defined the term “give them the keys to the castle”.
Your Majesty, may I humbly suggest that creativity and challenging the norms are splendid in your gardens and art. Not as a creative experiment at the expense of your English traditions, faith and countrymen, which you swore to protect.
Either be a Christian country with a Christian king, or become a republic. I hope it doesn't take a civil war to decide the issue.
A Republic? Like France? God no!
Like his namesake Charles I, he's not up to the task and will lead Britain to another civil war.. Perhaps we will need to wait for William.
No William will not he doesn’t even believe in Christ or Christian cause
Well Catherine better slap him awake because her kids are going to cop it if the monarchy falls.
Many would fight for the hallowed fields of Albion. It’s within all the English. The spark of Prometheus is slowly burning brighter.
Isn't the Anglican Church, which his ancestor created, he heads, dying out?
I'm in literal tears.
Thank you for reading Mehak
Great piece but a bit thrown by the American spelling of harbour?
I'm English but find myself defaulting to American spelling on the blog since most of my audience is American, and in my regular job have to write in American English. One of my many failings
A just about forgivable failing for all the fantastic content you produce
Magnificent, moving and powerful.
I can only wish King Charles read this and act upon it this very day.
If only those big ears could hear. I fear his mind is stuck in the past where the empire ruled & is still going on that delusional assumption.
I remember seeing a clip of Charles mentioning Rene Guenon. At first, I assume it means he might be one of us until I remember Rene converted to Islam. Now I have a deep fears what it could it actually mean.
I followed the same trajectory as your thought. "Excellent, an interest in traditionalism! Ah, he's just taken a message of 'equality of religions' from this..."
The poor man looks utterly miserable. Perhaps he mirrors his subjects.
you misjudge the crown profoundly. he is a satanic king who despises his own people and is actively involved in destroying them. he seeks to replace them with Subjects from his former colonies . they were always lower maintenance than his home subjects. The crown controls unimaginable wealth . they on most of the land in canada and much of their former colonies . look up " crown lands" . he is part of the global power structure , not a victim of it .
He couldn't care less. He's as anti-Western civilization as Soros, et al.
he is a sananist . look at his official portrait.
I don't know if the portrait proves that he's a satanist. But it does prove that he has absolutely no taste. That portrait is hideous!
Do you not remember that he was the first person to call for a "great Reset " during covid? Klaus Schwab gets the press, but he is just a front man . The crown is a driving force of the enslavement of humanity that is the "great reset" . If you own nothing, you are a slave to those who own everything.
Good point