A reminder that this spiritual battle is for all people, women as well as men. It helps to have structure. The traditional practices of prayer, almsgiving, fasting all help.

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One of the most frustrating things is listening to "good people" who are concerned about the state of society talk about the latest thing on tiktok, the newest netflix series, or what they bought off of amazon. Every action matters. Every choice is a moral choice.

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Definitely. Too many Twitter addicts in our sphere too. It has its role but it can't be one's entire contribution to the movement.

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We need less talk and more action. To my mind, twitter is just masturbation.

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“It will be a long fight. At first it will be exhausting: day-by-day attrition warfare against the seductive but corrosive luxuries that make modern men soft.”

So very true. Great piece!

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Thank you!

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I happened to be in a city i used to live in yesterday visiting family. On a whim I turned on public radio. I was struck by how much I have changed, listening to the 'privileged', smug, self-satisfied, more evolved than thou, talking down aloofness, the attitude leading edge of the arc of progress and justice of it. I had an urge to smash it but calmly turned it off instead, and reminisced about the city I loved but do not miss.

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Spiritually dead midwit omnipresence is soul crushing

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My favourite observation of city life these days is the number of people lost in their phones while walking along the street. Plus the explosion in noise cancelling headphones being used, also while walking about. Intentional lack of situational awareness.

It is so commonplace where I am I can only assume this is an out-and-about version of creating their own safe bubble. I think this is the real effect of indulgence; normality, even in the form of everyday sociability, is rejected in favour of personal comfort. The very opposite of what this article is about.

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The notion that obedience is a manifestation of authority over oneself, the most challenging form of authority, speaks to the inner battle that individuals must wage to overcome their weaknesses and vices.

The continuous inner struggle and the need for patience and perseverance resonates with the idea that greatness is achieved through persistent self-improvement and unwavering commitment to a higher purpose.

Thank you for sharing this profound reflection

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Thank you. I'm glad you found it provocative

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Excellent article. Thank you for posting.

In this era of omnidistraction I think the call for self-discipline and abstinence in the face of temptation is the way forward. To risk being vulgar, I think abstention is the new indulgence.

Young men in particular respond well to this. Plus it fits the world they actually live in. They are continually told in Western nations they are the rapists, wifebeaters and the misogynists upholding the Patriarchy. If they are white then it is all the worse.

Needing to dig deep and rise above the easy indulgence of modern life is crucial, from computer games and online porn to casual shopping on Amazon. All these erode discipline. They also fit well with what our would-be Overlords are selling; UBI, pod living and fully immersive virtual lives.

I also think the parlous state of young women would benefit from this discipline. The encouragement to party away their 20s and focus on a career they themselves will loathe in time. Although female psychology differs from male, there is an appeal to female nature here too. To understand all that makes them great involves an element of self-control the rabble does not possess.

Food for thought.

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Thank you. It's always funny when you see progressive articles like "The right wing encourage men to stop watching pornography. Here's why that's evil"

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Or the classic, weight lifting and disciplined nutrition has its roots in the Third Reich/Ku Klux Klan etc. They are only working on their upper body strength to dole out black eyes to their girlfriends, lol.

These kinds of articles provide some of the best insights into the progressive mindset. How they actually think. Which is to say, theirs is a reactionary outlook. All that stuff is threatening to them.

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What a rally call! Love the charge!

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You rightly lament the inadequacy of many of our fathers, but what about the Spiritual Fathers? Scupoli himself was one of these. They may be rare but they are not extinct. This kind is capable of rebuilding a man and saving his life more than once.

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Couldn't agree more. We must turn to them.

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We are to be faithful to the creator, even when nobody else is watching.

We should do what is right, even when nobody else is watching.

We should be good stewards, even when nobody else is watching.

We should be obedient, even when nobody else is watching.

Because even when nobody else is watching, the Father is.

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I’m gonna buy that painting and hang it in my house so my kids can learn to be based

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Thanks. I needed that, personally. I also happen to think everyone needs at least a little bit of this.

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I'm really glad to hear that

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