Feb 27Liked by Johann Kurtz

The emphasis on the spiritual aspect of armed culture has been lacking, neat post.

The flipside of the equation has also been under emphasized, what weapons restrictions teach us about how a regime understands its people.

Throughout history, if you were a "citizen" or enfranchised in any way, you were expected to have a weapon and know how to fight. This was a benefit to everyone, the regime and the person. If you were not a part of the system's governing structure, you weren't expected to uphold it. Such a person was either not allowed a weapon or not expected to fight. The example of knights vs peasants works well here, as well as what a citizens vs slaves of ancient Greece, (a list of specific examples would be great here, but a bit out of scope for a comment).

It should be disconcerting that in the United States, with a history of citizen soldiers, has been pulling away from encouraging "citizens" to own weapons. I do not think it bold to suggest removing armed culture from the idea of citizen, castrates the concept, rendering it a mockery of itself.

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This was a fresh take on a tired old subject. You're right -- a state that doesn't trust its citizens to bear arms considers them little more than children.

"You can't solve your own problems. Only we can."

Any sort of independence or self-sufficiency must be discouraged.

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"Attempting to outsource spiritual security is the ultimate expression of progressivism; the notion that systems and technology will not just solve physical want but metaphysical need too. In this sense, what appears on the surface to be an argument for Christianity is actually something closer to hyper-progressivism. "

For the win!

Democratic government represents the median at best. If government sets the standard, then that standard is below half of society. This leads to inexorable moral decay.

Anyone who thinks replacing democracy with kings can fix this dynamic needs to reread the Book of Kings.

The original divine setup was to have priests -- who had less earthly cares, and thus temptations, than the common people -- set the moral standard. Kings were for fighting physical wars -- after the common people complained to Samuel of the responsibility of doing it themselves.

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Feb 28Liked by Johann Kurtz

Julius Evola was basically an anti-Christian pagan was he not? Haven't read his work, but seemed an odd combination along with scripture and Saints.

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Feb 28Liked by Johann Kurtz

To understand the desire for gun control, you have to look at the source and the political force behind it. Where does it originate? I suggest that this is the source. Joseph Stalin: 'The only real power comes out of a long rifle.' and "All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party." ~ Mao Zedong The left in the USA is controlled by Communists. Most probably as true believers in the Ideology, and some are purchased allegiance. Politicians, business leaders and others toe the line because of financial interests and this rises to the top leaders in politics, industry and even churches. Life and self-defense are God given rights in the first founding document. If you oppose citizen's right to self-defense, you are by definition opposing a Sovereign God and in a spiritual battle with Him and His flock. God Bless the Constitution and the Republic for which it founded.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 29Liked by Johann Kurtz

Good article. I would add -

John 14:15-17 (The Holy Spirit and how to attain it)

15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper,[f] to be with you forever, 17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be[g] in you.

Matthew 5:2-11 (The Beatitudes)

2 And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:

3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons[a] of God.

10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

So make sure your attitude is checked at the door of Christ. The weapon should be the WORD and your faith IN Christ. Be Peacemakers as commanded and use the right to bear arms for peacemaking. Only wolves who devour should receive metal, but always work to be peacemakers and pray to Jesus Christ for understanding and that the Holy Spirit dwells in you. If the metal (the sword) is used for destruction, you will side with the sons of the Destroyer.

Anyway, you will know if your actions are justified, righteous, if the Holy Spirit dwells in you. It may not be likely that using sword would be the righteous move - do not lead with the sword. Be meek in Christ and like Christ and raise the weak.

Work to be fruitful and multiply not in the fleshly things. Get the WORD in your life and multiply your Neighbors in the Faith in Christ so that Christ may adopt your Neighbor In Christ as to multiply Saints for everlasting life.

If you are rejected for stating the WORD, it's ok. Jesus said you will be rejected (by many). So long as you know the Holy Spirit dwells in you, continue to multiply that is Evangelize (to capture in the Faith) and Disciple (to build up in the Faith). And so - Evangelize and Disciple is how we should battle this War now and always.

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Feb 27Liked by Johann Kurtz

great post- proficiency and capability in defense of self and loved ones is spiritual in nature, it is all human beings inherent right as sovereign beings, given to us by the one true God.

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The spiritual path is ever and always available, including with gun rights. What is being cultivated in your own heart.

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Amazing. This is the first substack i've read that truly felt inspiring to my soul. Thank you for writing this Johann!

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I like the start-up quote from Job. "The life of man upon earth is warfare” Most translations use the term “hard service” rather than “warfare,” but the end meaning is the same. I have said many times that “Conflict is the natural state of human nature.” It rarely is met with a counter-argument.

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Feb 28Liked by Johann Kurtz

Mr Kurtz your wordsmith Skills hit the TRUTH


The Declaration of Independence

Are very Alive SIR


I read you have truly have Articulated why

GOD has built ONE PEOPLE

For just this Moment in TIME


By Theodore Roosevelt

Written in 1913

Mr Kurtz , the Old Rough Rider would be very Proud of your opinion

Mr Kurtz find his book , it will inspire you Even more


Mr Kurtz your opinion piece is excellent, I only place to pieces to your FACTS as further topics .

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Feb 28Liked by Johann Kurtz

This is an excellent article. Thank you.

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I appreciate thIS angle so much and it’s One I haven’t seen taken on thIS topic / theme / thread. Brilliantly written! Thank you, thank you, thank you Johann!

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This is an excellent read.

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Feb 28Liked by Johann Kurtz

Excellent work.

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Feb 27Liked by Johann Kurtz

At the gym, opened this article. That opening quote is HARD. Gonna be good workout 🙏

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